Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy days are here again.

A wonderful day has arrived. My sister, after years of struggling, has finally landed a job! She starts next week at a call center that deals with deliquent mortgages, so business is good there. One of the few growth industries around these days. She is now worried that she will not have anything to wear until she gets that first paycheck and can get newer clothes. I am going to do my part and make her a stylish lunch bag so she can carry her lunch in style. I'm off to the fabric shop after work. Since she prefers earth tones and bland, boring colors, it should not be too hard to find something.
A small peeve to end this post; I went yesterday to the local Sprawl-Mart to get the new Futurama movie. I went up and down the two aisles that comprised the video section, but nothing. Even though their website listed the item as in stock, it was not there, or was so well hidden I could not find it. Oh, well. I can always buy it somewhere else.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello Out There!

Well, I have finally joined the electronic age. Kicking and screaming, but here I go. I have succumbed and joined the world wide gossip network. Now creepy nerds all over the globe can see if I prefer paper or plastic bags when I go grocery shopping.( Cloth, actually. I made them myself.) As if there is anyone out there among the voyeurs who cares about my life. Let’s start the sharing, shall we?
I am a woman, on the narrowing gap between twenty nine and thirty and live in a RV that is currently parked in my sister’s driveway that I share with one blue cat, Simon Jester. Hence the screen name. So far I’m a peach, right? Well, I don’t have an extra toe or anything, but like everyone I have problems. Not that I’m going to spill my guts to the faceless and as yet imaginary hordes of readers. I like toys and cartoons, notably The Nightmare Before Christmas, Justice League, and other DC animated shows you can find on Boomerang. I like to cook but rarely do, since there is just me to feed ( I do make a yummy sourdough bread, though). I like taking pictures with my digital camera, but the result is often bland and boring. I have an irrational fear of breaking a bone, and associated fears of heights, roller coasters, and pretty much any mildly dangerous activity. I also have a fear of geese, but that’s from a childhood accident. I love vending machines, Cabot’s Seriously Sharp Cheddar, children’s hairpins, and the color blue. Recently I have discovered Dungeons and Dragons and delight in constructing elaborate traps and dungeons. I think my next one will have pirates in it. I plan on stopping after work to purchase the newest Futurama movie and watch it through twice, the second time with the commentary track playing. I am an absolute fool for commentary tracks. I become very annoyed if I rent or buy a movie and it does not have one. Currently I am working my way through the extended version of the LOTR trilogy and using a different commentary tract each time. My favorites are The Simpsons and Futurama, which are hilarious. Almost as good as the shows themselves.
I can knit, but only barely, sew, crochet, and embroider, but my true love is sculpture. I love getting my hands on a good lump of squishy stuff and turning it into something else. For my little nieces, this is better than TV. Playing with "P’ay-Doh" involves getting me to make various animals on demand, which are quickly squished by "accident" so that I can make another one. Kind of like a clown making balloon animals. I also doodle, making loopy shapes that swirl around each other, when I’m bored. I have phases that I go through, where I become increasingly interested in something nearly to the point of obsession, and then lose almost all interest in it. This process can last anywhere from a few days to months or years. Just part of the wonderful ride that is my life. Such as it is.